Monday, September 19, 2011

Lots of IMPORTANT Curriculum Updates ~ September

Math Updates - Velvet Simington
  • New textbook trainings are THIS week!!
    • 3rd Grade - 9/19 - 4:00-7:00 at Griffith
    • 4th Grade - 9/20 - 4:00-7:00 at Griffith
    • 5th Grade - 9/21 - 4:00-7:00 at Griffth
  • Essential components of math include 90 minutes of daily instruction; integrating Week by Week Essentials, Indicators, and Classroom Strategies; Integrating problem solving through collaborative groups; Consistently using technology to deepen math instruction; Students having and using strategies notebooks
  • Standards for Mathematical Practice should be implemented NOW!  If your math rep has not shared these with you, ask him/her ASAP!
Imagine It! Updates - Mary Ruth Teague
  • Don't get slack on following the routines!!  Every teacher should be following routines exactly, or the program will not work the way it's supposed to.
  • Everyone MUST use the sound/spelling cards the way they're supposed to be used.
  • The Morning Message is a key component of starting the day off right.
  • Make sure you're using "stick and ball" handwriting, NOT D'Nealian.  "Stick and Ball" should be used when teachers write AND when students write) -- the appendix gives explicit details on penmanship instruction
  • The puppet should be used!
  • Blending is one of the most important components of the program - Follow the blending routines!
K-5 Writing Plan - Janie Costello
  • You will find a grid in your box laying out this year's writing plan.  This year students will experiment with different types of writing for quarterly prompts to prepare for the new Common Core.
  • The Common Core ELA training on Rc days will be front loaded with strategies to teach these new, different types of writing... Grade level reps will then need to teach their teams.
  • Writing will NOT go into the K-2 Data Warehouse this year since we're experimenting with different types of writing... this year is about learning HOW to teach it.
Science Updates - Benika Thompson
  • For grade level science reps - Your meeting dates will be October 31st, January 23rd, and February 20th all at Sherwood Forest.
  • For additional support related to Science Essential Standards, all teachers are welcome to attend the following sessions (all last from 3:30pm-4:30pm):
    • October 12th (Speas), 13th (Lewisville), or 19th (Forest Park)
    • November 15th (Old Town), 16th (Whitaker), 17th (TBA)
    • March 13th (Southwest), 14th (TBA), 15th (TBA)
  • For our Science Liaison (yay Mrs. Barney!), here is your meeting schedule:
    • November 1st
    • February 28th
    • March 6th
    • April 25th
  • Next year in 4th grade, Ecosystems will switch to 1st Quarter.
  • The STC kits have been realigned to fit the new standards... see my email.
  • For all other updates, see my email. :)
Social Studies Updates - Patty Grant
  • Each grade level MUST be represented at the upcoming meetings, which start next week.  The meetings last from 3:30-5:00 and there are two locations you can choose from.  If you have any questions about the schedule I emailed, come see me.
  • Don't forget to use the online resources that go along with the Social Studies textbook - They are GREAT!
  • For the new Social Studies assessments, sample items will be published on the online community by this Wednesday, 9/21.  Teachers are to examine these together... grade level reps who attend the meetings will bring feedback to the meetings to finalize assessments.  Final assessments will be emailed to me by October 5th.  I will then send these assessments to grade chairs, who will need to prepare copies and administer the assessments to students by the end of First Quarter.  Teachers will then turn in rosters with scores to me/Mrs. Conner, who will then forward results to Central Office.
Museum of Anthropology - Tina Smith
  • Programs are offered for K-5
  • The museum also offers kits for schools/grade levels/teachers to check out
  • Students can go to the museum, or the museum can come here to Moore
  • I will put handouts in your boxes from the Museum of Anthropology - there are some GREAT resources!  Especially with the budget being so tight!
??Have you ever heard of  Check it out!

Don't Forget!
*September 12th - September 23rd - DIBELS BOY Window
*September 19th - 3rd Grade Textbook Training 4:00-7:00 @ Griffth
*September 20th - 3rd-5th Gradebook/Report Card Training 7:30am @ Moore
*September 20th - 4th Grade Textbook Training 4:00-7:00 @ Griffith
*September 21st - Call for Change Training in Media Center 7:30am REQUIRED
*September 21st - 5th Grade Textbook Training 4:00-7:00 @ Griffith
*September 26th - Door Decorating Contest Begins!
*September 29th - Curriculum Night!! (Doors judged and winner announced!)
*October 3rd - SMART Response Workshop at Moore

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