Monday, September 24, 2012


My AP is always telling me that Dr. Oz says you're supposed to take something like ten deep breaths every now and then to keep yourself calm and stable and healthy and happy and who has time to remember to take ten deep breaths when you're a full-time working mama to a mobile, constantly-moving eleven-month-old and a wife to a husband who works almost every evening and life feels like a race I'm never winning?

Or was it take deep breaths for ten seconds?

Something like that, right Mr. Maglio?

Anyway, lately it seems as though I've needed to breathe-in-breathe-out to a calming rhythm all day long.  Life has felt like, well, A LOT lately, TOO MUCH, even... So I can't begin to imagine how the teachers are feeling!  Because if you think about it, EVERYONE has their own "stuff."  Everyone has stress outside of work... and just because my stress is different than your stress, that doesn't mean one of us has more "stuff" than the other.

Sometimes we get so caught up in our own worlds, our own little bubbles, we fail to realize that the world is continuing to spin on its axis around us.  I am guilty of getting lost in my bubble... struggling to come up for air and letting the little things throw me for a loop and pushing on, and on, and on without enjoying the view.  Case in point - I have eaten lunch while furiously working since school started about a month ago.  I've never been the kind of person who works through lunch!

Breathe in - 1, 2, 3...

I think we're all in that place right now in the world of education.  The beginning of a school year is NO JOKE.  Especially when we're introducing a brand new curriculum and everything seems like it's changing.  Not to mention whatever else is going on in our lives outside of the walls of Moore.

But let's try to encourage each other to follow Dr. Oz's advice - I may give him the side-eye for some of his health recommendations, but I think he's on to something when he urges deep breathing.  Let's try to pause, take deep breaths, and know that this too, shall pass.  And while we're doing all this breathing, let's also try to remember that whether the person beside us may seem to have it all together or may seem to barely be hanging on, we all have our "stuff."  And sometimes the only way to get through the stuff is to lift each other up...

And, of course, breathe.

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