Thursday, December 6, 2012

Rock On!

When I took the job as Curriculum Coordinator and completed my Master's program in School Administration, I promised myself I would NEVER forget what it's like to be a teacher.

To be on the frontlines of education... where the magic happens, where the kid remembers you for the rest of his life, where you see light bulbs go off after hours of teaching...

Where you work harder than anyone else in the professional world.

I think sometimes those of us out of the classroom can easily forget what it's like to be on the battlegrounds, and I don't ever want to let my memories become too hazy.  I want to always be able to understand and relate to the second most important people in the school (sorry, teachers - the kids came in first!).

So, during a time of year when we're all running out of steam, and patience, and mindpower, and energy - I just want to say THANK YOU to all of the awesome teachers in our building.

As we head toward the end of the first half of the school year, I'm so proud to work in OUR school.  It's been the most challenging year yet in education - at least as long as I've been a part of the educational world - and our teachers have taken things in stride, kept the kids first, and even managed to keep smiling.

I'm so honored to be a part of this staff, and so excited about all of the progress we're making as a school.  So during a time when you feel overworked and underappreciated, know that I ALWAYS appreciate what you do and will ALWAYS remember what it's like to be you.

And you're doing awesome.  With Common Core, PLCs, CFAs, new testing, TRC, DIBELS, conferences, report cards, progress reports, oh yeah - and teaching - You're not only surviving, you're doing a GREAT job.

Rock on!

Don't Forget!
December 7th - 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Classroom Spelling Bee Winners' Names Due to Peele
December 11th - TRC/K-3 Assessment Training for PRTs 9:00-10:30
December 12th - Set up Science Fair
December 13th - Science Fair Judging 9:30
December 14th - All Classes/Parents Invited to Walk Through Science Fair
December 18th - School Spelling Bee 1:30
January 7th - TRC/K-3 Assessment Training for ALL K-3 Teachers 3:45-5:15
January 10th - PLC Training for Facilitators at Kernersville ES 3:30-5:00

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