Sunday, August 29, 2010

"Man... I LOVE this school..."

Well, the start of school was a definite success at Moore.  Amid caution tape, heavy machinery, mud puddles, rocky gravel, and orange cones - We made it through the first three days of school.  How do I know it was a definite success?  On Friday afternoon, while on bus duty, I overheard a new student telling his friend, "Man... I love this school.  Everyone is always smilin'!"  And if we positively affect the life of a student, I consider us successful.

A busy week lies ahead as teachers continue to teach routines and expectations while diving headfirst into curriculum and pacing guides.  For me personally, I will be out of the building most of Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at trainings.  While all of my trainings are necessary and informative, I HATE being away from Moore.  You see, there's an energy at Moore that you can feel the minute you walk in the entrance.  And while the new building is incredible, this energy has nothing to do with the luster of all of our "new" stuff.  Over five years ago I interviewed at Moore, in the OLD building, and knew the minute I walked out of my interview that I wanted to - I HAD to get that job.  I truly think we are unique in all we have to offer as well as our buzzing energy.  So when I am away... I MISS the energy.  I MISS the teachers, the students, and the organized, excited chaos.

As the dust settles, I am truly looking forward to embracing my new position and finding out how to make it work best for me, the teachers, and the students.  While I will always have a never-ending "To-Do" list, I never want to be too far removed from my favorite group of people -- the kids.  I am so thankful to work with a staff who has welcomed me with open arms and who is supporting me as I discover the ins and outs of this new job.  I cannot wait to be more present in the hallways and in classrooms, soaking up the Moore energy as much as humanly possible. :)

Upcoming Dates to Remember:
-W-APT Testing Window for Kindergarten:  August 31-September 28
-September 2:  PLCs begin!
-September 7:  DIBELS Training for NEW Teachers 3:45pm
-September 9:  DIBELS Refresher Training 7:30am
-September 21:  4th Grade On-Demand Writing Task
-September 13-24:  DIBELS BOY Benchmark Window

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